
Website Analysis, No. 1

Hey everyone - just wondering in you all could do me a favor - go to my website, which has most of the pictures uploaded now, and test it out. Explore the site, and leave me feedback here on the blog. I've noticed that the site reacts differently between PC and Mac, though it really shouldn't. Tell me what doesn't seem to work well for you when you explore it.

I would be eternally grateful!

Hannah Epley Photography


Heth said...

Works just great for me on PC using IE 7. You put some new stuff on there since I last visited. So fun to look at. Great work Hannah.

melanie said...

your work is incredible.. josh wants to book you for maja's wedding.. in 30 years. free? everything worked fine for me on a pc, pictures were a little slow at first, but no problems at all. i love the photos of your brothers, patrick, and sam, they are all great. you have lots of talent girl!

The College Life said...

yo Hannah! incredible! i don't even have words for it! it looks so stinking pro! yea you are definetely doing my wedding....whenever that may be haha! hope finals went well im not going to be in waverly much i have to work a lot over break. oh yea i need some prayer i think im going on a missions trip to palestine this summer!!! oh man im stoked about it!!!