
Procrastination, Part 1

Lately my roommate Hayley and I seem to be able to find anything and everything to do but our homework. It's as if we can't face the reality of how much we need to do, so we mindlessly waste away precious hours doing absolutely nothing. Last night, when I had 150+ pages in a book to read, what did we do? Hayley cleaned and planned a trip to Europe, I arranged some flowers, talked with Hayley about Christmas gifts, browsed through pictures on my computer, went to Myspace and Facebook, edited a paper for Josiah, vacuumed... the list goes on. I got very little reading done before my eyes were starting to shut on their own. So, alas, today will be another packed day of homework, including a trip to the Holocaust exhibit here at the Spertus Institute for class.

All these horrible things about procrastination aside, I wanted to share this AMAZING website that my cousin Kris sent to me... if you have ever cut snowflakes out of paper you will LOVE this site. Have fun, time's a-wasting!

Click here to enter a winter wonderland

1 comment:

melanie said...

this sight is great! too much fun, i think the kids might like it as much as me... talk about time...