
Like, Woah.

Wedding photography. Go Here. Trust me. Would I ever mislead you?



So I'm wide awake at 1 in the morning, due to my sudden desire to work out every night. Hopefully my peppermint chai will calm me to sleep soon. But in the meantime, I thought I'd post 20 random things about me, seeing as how I am officially no longer a teenager.

1. The answer to my riddles from my last post: All of those things are on my wish list right now... those boots, that camera, hair extensions, and sunny beaches. Secondly, my family is vacationing in HAWAII over this coming spring break!!! Wooohoo!

2. I seem to be forever doomed to hang around a girl whose name also starts with an H, so that everyone and their mom mixes us up. Best friend from elementary to high school = Haleigh. Current roommate and co-18th floor RA = Hayley.

3. Even more than longing for boots, cameras, thick luscious hair and Hawaii, I long to go back to Kenya, and so I randomly find myself on sites like cheaptickets.com to search for cheap flights for trips there that I can't afford regardless.

4. My current life's goal is to make a photodocumentary on slumlife in Kenya, a book including pictures taken by me and by Kenyans that I teach photography to.

5. I am addicted to Photoshop CS2. Coming soon, lots of posts with recent photo work of mine.

6. I am now hannahepley.com. Don't go there, I haven't designed my site yet. It will be done by December 14th.

7. I have recently discovered the best way to multitask. I head down to the University Center fitness room, and after lifting some weights, plop down on a bike and read class textbooks while I bike. And I don't even realize when my 30 or 45 minutes is up! Yess!!!

8. I am not moving back to Waverly this summer. Chicago will remain my home until summer 2008.

9. I skipped a year of college, (I'm a junior) thanks to CLEP testing. Angela, I owe you one for encouraging me to go for it!

10. For my birthday, I will celebrate by running errands, spending hours shooting pics in the studio, watching a movie with Josiah, and attending a mandatory staff meeting.

11. My definition of chai is not some severely-sweetened spicy drink that kindof tastes like eggnog. First off, I rarely put sugar in my tea. I like tea kinda bitter. But no, chai is 2/3 tea, 1/3 warm milk, and a little sugar. Kenya style chai.

12. I have the annoying tendency to over-adapt to the people around me. Not in a giving-in-to-peer-pressure sort of way, but by picking up accents, gestures, and tiny habits unconsciously until it becomes natural to me. You should have heard my English while I spent a month in Kenya, and you should see my gestures now that I live with a sign language major.

13. I spend an average of 3-1/2 hours setting up and shooting one still life for my studio class. (I have an A in my studio class as well. Coincidence? I think not.)

14. I cry almost nonstop during Extreme Home Makeover. Seriously. So touching. Every Sunday.

15. My desk is covered with an uncontrollable barrage of stickynotes and to-do lists.

16. I know almost exactly what I want in a wedding dress.

17. My brother Adam and I have been reading through the Bible together. Backwards. Meaning, we started at the beginning of Revelation and are now in the Old Testament.

18. I LOVE COLUMBIA COLLEGE CHICAGO. Distraught emo rebellious liberal kids aside, the photography department here ROCKS. I am so glad I did this and not a 2-year technical program.

19. Lately as I hand-write things, whether it be sticky notes or class notes or to-do lists, I find myself skipping letters and words, as if my brain is way too ahead of my hand. At least I always catch myself.

20. I'm 20 years old today!!!



1. What do all these things have in common?

2. Which of these is likely in March?