
If only I were coordinated...

I found this on Adrea's blog, and wanted to re-post it. It is crazy.

Click to watch the juggling.

Yesterday I finally did my taxes... I already had my federal ones done 3-4 weeks ago, but I had to do Illinois state taxes (they wrongly withheld IL taxes, and I wanted it back) and my Iowa ones. Oh, and Illinois state taxes were ridiculous... the Non-Resident forms have two columns - one that's easy to fill out, the other makes you first look up another file with a bunch of instructions, which then refer you to the IL-1040, and so on. For crying out loud, just simplify it, or don't make me file! So...the damage? Seems being a poor college dependent with a job still means the government should get money. Only like $70 or so total. I'm pretty pleased.

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