
Citibank, My List of Grievances

When our founding fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence, they first made a list of grievances to Britain to justify breaking away from them. Personally, I have had a great deal of trouble with my own 'Britain' - Citibank. I opened an account there at the beginning of the school year, and now plan to pull my account in a couple weeks and deposit my money into the good ol' State Bank of Waverly.

My list of Grievances:

1 - When my roommate and I filled out brochures to open accounts at your booth, you guys processed her account over the weekend and one employee even gave her his personal cell phone number, just because she is cute. Am I not cute? It took you two weeks more simply to process my account.

2 - I am certain I signed up for a checking plus account with overdraft protection. Yeah, I guess you guys lost that application?

3 - You sent me two debit cards in the mail that didn't work in the ATM, and made me wait for over an hour to get it corrected.

4 - Your website is not updated enough, and you don't post all the debits to let me know what my real balance is.

5 - When I came in 30 minutes before your office closed, your security guard told me you wouldn't have enough time to see me today. And none of your personal bankers were busy.

6 - The next time I came in, the same thing happened, though I stood my ground and got an appointment.

7 - You charged me $180 in overdraft fees that I shouldn't have been charged, AND you did it while I was on vacation.

8 - When I called to get the problem corrected, a woman promised I would be reimbursed. Two weeks later, I got $30 back.

9 - When I stopped in at the bank in the middle of the afternoon to get the problem really fixed, I waited 45 minutes, then was told I couldn't be seen because in the whole Michigan Ave location, there was only one banker there.

10 - The second time I used your phone service to correct the problem, I was promised $150 back. The customer service representative never even filed the request with her supervisor.

11 - I don't receive any statements or notices in the mail.

12 - Your bankers seem to not want to deal with people. When I wait in line to make a deposit, and it's my turn, they ask me to use the ATM. Not even any people in line behind me.

13 - The supervisor I spoke with on the phone to FINALLY get my overdraft problem corrected proceeded to tell me in her own sneaky way that I was a liar, and that the account information isn't available anymore since the problem happened a month ago.

14 - The supervisor also tried to refer me to someone else, though that person has no power to reimburse me.

15 - When I get off the phone to you, I sometimes start crying, and sometimes even scream. At the top of my lungs.

For real, how does Citibank survive with this kind of customer service??


Anonymous said...


It's the little things in life that are so annoying. Sorry you are having citibank problems.

Anonymous said...

You need to write a letter to the branch president or manager or whoever. TAke this to the top, girl.

Anonymous said...

That's horrific. Sorry for the huge pain that must be.

Anonymous said...

how about that state bank of waverly?? i have heard their tellers are exceptional!!

hannahjoy said...

yes, I've had an account at State Bank all my life, and they are soo so nice to everyone.

Anonymous said...

it's called they-don't-care-about-you-because-bill-gates-has-more-money. most of these companies outsource their stuff to other countries so you're lucky if you get someone who speaks english.

I hear you honey... it's sooooooo frustrating! sock it to em... it'll at least make YOU feel better!