
Fast Lenses, Chocolate Chip Cookies, and the Time of Achilles

Three things interesting me within the past three hours:

I need a fast lens for my camera. So that in low light situations (a.k.a. weddings), I don't have to concern myself so much with blurry pictures from slow shutter speeds. For real, I can't deal with the f/4-5.6 anymore. For those of you who don't have a clue what I'm talking about, I'll spare you and myself the trouble. In general, non-expensive lenses = slow shutter speeds. Mom, Dad, you know what I want for an extra-early Christmas/Birthday gift.

I LOVE chocolate chip cookies. The University Center, where I live, makes really tasty ones. I always take four of them, which is literally way too much to eat at once, and I dip one or two of them in my milk and scarf them down, and put the other two wrapped in napkins in my backpack for when I have a break from classes. Problem is, I always feel kind of nauseous after eating more than one. I don't know if it's all the sugar, or if they left some ingredient out. If it were a Chips Ahoy cookie, I could eat like 20 of them. It truly baffles me. I have been breaking off tiny nibbles to munch on from tonight's dinnertime cookies, and almost can't stand it. But I keep on nibbling. It is an addiction, I fear.

I watched the movie "Troy" tonight with Josiah. (My first viewing of it, not his.) I honestly didn't know who to root for between the Trojans and Greeks. The youngest Trojan prince, Paris, was a coward, stole someone's wife, and killed a good guy in the end. Josiah and I both couldn't stand him. But the Greeks were greedy and bad as well. But they had Achilles, a mighty warrior and good guy at heart. MY favorite character, Hector - Paris' brother - was killed. I was really bummed. However, it was a good movie. Josiah had to laugh at me because I kept mixing up who was who. The armor between the two armies was different, but still, why couldn't they have worn different colors, like in the Patriot?


Anonymous said...

I don't understand about the lenses, but I know if it helps you take better pictures, sounds like a good investment and a fun one, too!

Yes, chocolate chip cookies are addictive. As long as they're soft.

Never seen the movie. We'll see if I ever get to check it out.

Anonymous said...

choc chip cookies are the best- but the dough is even better!! talk about a tummy ache..!

Anonymous said...

I too, like only soft chocolate chip cookies, while my hubby likes crispy cookies. Quite a dilema. So I bake a batch a little longer for him and put them in a baggie. Then, I underbake a batch and put it in a baggie with a slice of bread for me and the kids. The bread gets hard the cookies stay soft. It works wonders.