
Scalpel, please?

"Ma'am, I have some good news and some bad news. First of all, your loved one had a successful surgery. All the infected tissue was removed."

"And the bad news?"

"The bad news, well, there was such extensive loss that we are afraid that your loved one may go into a severe shock. We don't know just how long her recovery will be, or how successfully her body will handle this sudden loss of limbs."

My plant underwent extensive surgery this evening. I decided, after a short conversation with my mother, that I needed to get rid of all the dying, infected, shriveling leaves. So I pruned my plant, probably way too much, considering that 1/2 of the long fronds were dying. Before my plant's move to Chicago, it was a flowing, gorgeous plant that looked healthy. As soon as it arrived in Chicago, however, it started to look brownish, shriveled, wilted. I don't know if it was just too much direct sunlight hanging in the car window for 5 hours straight, or the sudden loss in humidity? But even with good sun and reasonable water it's been looking sad ever since.

I told my mom that I feel so bad, I feel like I should be taking it to the plant hospital or something. Going to my local plant doctor. But as for now, my plant is in recovery from a critical home-done surgery, with closely monitored waterings, sunlight, and steaming while I take a shower. I am praying for its recovery.


Anonymous said...


I'd send balloon, but that would be kind of wierd....

Anonymous said...

...what exactly does "reasonable" water mean???

hannahjoy said...

reasonable means i water it when the soil doesn't feel moist. my plant doesn't like to be drenched, nor does it like to be dry. reasonable...