
Catching Up

I know, I know, it's been a while since I last posted. Now that the severe cold thing that I had has pretty much subsided, and after a last-minute trip home for my Aunt Mardella's funeral, I'm back in Chicago and ready to get back to my life. I know for a fact that I will not have my assignments that are due tomorrow even close to finished, and my teachers are aware of that. It's an overwhelming feeling, to be behind when more and more assignments are filling up the planner. But tonight, Thursday, and Friday will hopefully be very productive for me.

Oh, and one more thing, TAXES! I'm actually excited, I'm going to H&R Block on Thursday to have them help me with my taxes this year, since I'm not really sure how to handle the photography profit (the very small amount of it) vs. the purchases (camera, 2 new lenses, lights, etc.) that can be considered business expenses. Once I have my taxes complete, I can file my FAFSA, and once that's done, I can apply for a couple scholarships that would shave a nice sum off my tuition bill for next year.

No! Don't cut the dollar! I need that dollar for books!

Hope eveyone's staying healthy, drink that orange juice!


The College Life said...

i feel ya on those taxes and and gettin the fafsa, and oh projects jus read my last post....its 3:15 in the morning and i dont plan on sleepin anytime soon! God Bless you and i most def need to come visit!

peace out

Tina said...

ohhhh don't remind me about taxes! UGH!