
Remembering Brooke

It's a bit past midnight and I should go to bed, but I just felt like I needed to write something.

Today I have thought about a dear friend,
Someone I used to laugh with, study with, compete with, and just hang out with. Someone who never demanded anything in return for her generosity. With a sense of sweeping emotion, I have thought about her bubbling laugh, her chatty nature, the deep conversations, all the times I had vented about something so minute, yet she just listened, open ears, never rushing me.

I can hear her voice in my head as I play back a song we once sang together. I remember her dreams, her goals that I thought were so high, yet she attacked them, with ease.

I thought about her family, and what they must be feeling today.
And I wonder if I could ever fathom that type of pain.
I remembered Brooke today, whose death came first as a shock, then disbelief, then a tidal wave of memories, emotions, and tears.
Today, October 19th, would have been her 20th birthday.

I will never, ever, forget her.


Heth said...

That was beautiful.

melanie said...

i am so sorry hannah. she is beautiful.