
Woah nilly, I'm busy!

This past week has been CRAZY with schoolwork, midterms, photo projects, and drawings. Thankfully, I'm past the worst of it, and sunny Los Angeles is a mere week away! Yesterday, I made a huge schedule/to-do list, partially not believing it was possible to accomplish it all, but praying that I would. Not to be prideful, but just as Natalie had her super-mom day, Tuesday was a super-student day for me. I got up before 8:30, bought camera supplies, took film in, picked up my film, ate lunch, went to the darkroom and printed photos, went to the digital lab and scanned and printed photos, ate dinner, went to work for 5 hours, then came back and studied for my science midterm. EVERYTHING on my to-do list. I don't think that's ever happened.

Lately, Josiah and I haven't spent much time together, because we're so bogged down with work, and most of the hours we've been together have been devoted to schoolwork. I'm so proud of my baby, he's such a hard worker and hasn't procrastinated a single bit this entire semester. And he has such a ridiculous amount of homework - many compare the coursework of Moody Bible Institute to be as difficult as Harvard, and by the looks of it, I believe it. Sometimes he has way more homework than I do, but my homework is so much different it's hard to compare. Where he is reading books and writing papers, I'm shooting pictures, printing pictures, altering pictures, making drawings. I promise I'll post a couple of my drawings once I've gotten them back from being graded.

I've got to go so that I can make a couple phone calls before I head outside with another photo major to take some late-night pictures for my midterm. I'll post details on my project soon.


Anonymous said...

Hannah, you have to take lots of pictures for me when you are in LA!! I am SO jealous that you are going to see Adam and I am not....oh well, I will see him soon, I hope! Sorry I haven't written you back either, Life has been CRAZY!! But, I am sure that I don't need to tell you that! haha..my prayers are with you!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for getting things done! Great job.

Anonymous said...

Wow, way to go on the to-do list! You're awesome. I hope you have an awesome time in L.A.