
Death to charcoal.

It's 12:41 am and I'm just so sick of drawing. Time for a 5-minute blogging break.

Today after church, what I planned on being a one-hour nap ended up being more like 2 hours, 20 minutes. And I've been lethargic ever since.

Josiah and I went to the University Center's Oscar party, spent a couple hours longer than planned there. It's been so long since I've watched an awards show, I had forgotten how long they run. We didn't even stay for the last hour.

But now I'm kicking myself for not getting my drawing homework done. I completed all my 15 minute sketches (10 of them), and now I have a 2-1/2 hour charcoal value study to do. And I'm to that point where I don't even want to pick up my charcoal.

Oh well, back to work. So much homework these days... midterms coming... ughh


Anonymous said...

I feel you
It is 1:03 AM and I havent started the 700 word Rhetorical analysis that is due in umm 10 hours.

OMG Cant wait till spring break

Anonymous said...

Take pics of your drawings and post them, I want to see. :)

Then take another nap.

Anonymous said...

You earned the nap, I'm sure. And it's so hard to do the things you're SUPPOSED to do when you have to choose between them and the boyfriend...I understand that completely. It's why I generally have dirty dishes, floors, countertops, tables...

hannahjoy said...

haha, haleigh, we are so much alike, from our likes and dislikes to our stresses and procrastination.

Anonymous said...

I always had a 2:00 AM cap. I had to go to bed by 2:00 even if the work wasn't done. Otherwise, I was worth nothing. Good luck on getting it done.