Hmm, maybe it's because I've seen the Broadway musical Wicked once and Annie twice in the last week...

Oh, and don't forget the Lincoln Park zoo last Sunday after church...

I went to the grand opening service of Willow Creek Chicago this morning, which conveniently meets in Auditorium Theatre, across the street from my building. It was interesting... parts were great, but Josiah and I aren't really sure it's where we want to be quite yet. Give it a couple weeks. The opening song/drama: and Evanescence song "Wake me up inside." For a first Sunday, it had pretty good attendance... we had to be seated in the upper balcony, the auditorium seats roughly 3,900 people and I would say at least 3,000 were filled. Crazy.
On one more side note, I would like to offer an invitation for Waverly people to come visit me in Chicago - let's go catch some Chicago-style deep-dish pizza and go to "Wicked" - this musical is utterly amazing. Amazing!
I wanna go to Wicked!!!! :o(
Will you still be there December 8-10? We are coming!! Maybe we could hook up for some shopping or lunch. I'll have to check into that musical - that would be a possibility for us.
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